Please select and print off a copy of this form and when completed attend at our sailing site to obtain the signatures of two Club members before handing to the Club Secretary.

Please select to read the Club's General Rules, Sailing Area Rules, Sailing Safety Advice and our Safeguarding Policy.


Crewe and District Model Boat Club

A Member of the Northern Association of Model Engineers

 New Membership Application


Welcome  to Crewe and District Model Boat Club.


In order to progress your membership application we ask that you read the Club's General Rules, Sailing Area Rules, Sailing Safety Advice and our

Safeguarding Policy.


Completing and signing the following form signifies that you are over 18 years of age and have read and accepted the rules and wish to apply for

membership of the above club.


Please obtain the signature of two existing full members and pass the completed form to the Secretary, who will place your application before the

next available monthly meeting for acceptance.


Upon acceptance the Treasurer will collect the relevant joining fees and issue your photo membership card containing the club insurance details.


(Please print details)


Name   …………………………………………………………………………………………


Address …………………………………………………………………………………………




Post Code ………………………..…



Phone  ……………………………  Mobile …………….………..…….



e-mail address ……………………………………………………………..…………..


We will not disclose this info outside the club and it is the most cost effective way for us to share and update club information, such as meeting

dates and events.


We operate an allocated frequency for the 40Mhz band. If you wish to have such an allocation please advise:

Crystal Frequencies held 40Mhz……………………………………………..…………..

There is no need to enter 27Mhz band or 2.4Ghz band detail


If you wish to enrol a junior member please enter their full name and year of birth








Applicants Signature………...……………………                              Date………………………………





Proposed by ………………………………                                         Seconded by.....…………………..……………


 © Crewe & District Model Boat Club 2018